Tuesday, June 22, 2010


June 20, 2010
What a morning! I sleep in to 9 a.m. thankfully! Then I had bfast, which consisted of bread and tea. Afterwards I wrote some emails. While I was writing my emails I had some music on which I think attracted my family. I don’t think they like it very much, prolly because it sounds so different from theirs. Anywho then I started my laundry. Hand washing! I really don’t mind it because I hand washed a lot of my clothes back in the states. The only thing I do mind is the water situation. In the states if you need more water you just go to the sink. Here it is a process. My family has a water bucket. So I take my bucket to their water bucket to fill, with a small pot. Then I carry my bucket, which is heavy, to my ger. Then I have to fill the water heater by spoon, to heat the water. This way is faster then my distiller that I have. My distiller takes like 8 hours to filter the water.. the family water heater takes like 5 minutes. Then I fill my wash bucket with soapy water. That’s a lot of steps to take before I can actually wash my clothes! But that’s not it! The process starts from square one when I need to rinse my clothes to get rid of the soapy water. Lets just say it took about an hour and a half to do a very very small load. But all in all its really not too bad. I guess I have the time to spend. Today I am going to meet up with my site mates to study and work on some things for the upcoming week. Off to lunch!


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